IMG/VR v.2.0: an integrated data management and analysis system for cultivated and environmental viral genomes
Microbial community transcriptomes reveal microbes and metabolic pathways associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in the sea
Transductomics: sequencing-based detection and analysis of transduced DNA in pure cultures and microbial communities
GenePRIMP: a gene prediction improvement pipeline for prokaryotic genomes
Group II Introns Break New Boundaries: Presence in a Bilaterian's Genome
Controlling selectivity of modular microbial biosynthesis of butyryl-CoA-derived designer esters
Position-Specific Metabolic Probing and Metagenomics of Microbial Communities Reveal Conserved Central Carbon Metabolic Network Activities at High Temperatures
Green Evolution and Dynamic Adaptations Revealed by Genomes of the Marine Picoeukaryotes Micromonas
Exploring microbial functional biodiversity at the protein family level—From metagenomic sequence reads to annotated protein clusters
Structure determination of the HgcAB complex using metagenome sequence data: insights into microbial mercury methylation
IMG/PR: a database of plasmids from genomes and metagenomes with rich annotations and metadata
Insights into the action of phylogenetically diverse microbial expansins on the structure of cellulose microfibrils