Microbial Community Structure and Functional Potential Along a Hypersaline Gradient
Viruses interact with hosts that span distantly related microbial domains in dense hydrothermal mats
Phylogenomics and Comparative Genomics Highlight Specific Genetic Features in Ganoderma Species
The trajectory of microbial single-cell sequencing
Genomics of Aerobic Cellulose Utilization Systems in Actinobacteria
Metatranscriptomes of California grassland soil microbial communities in response to rewetting.
Marine microbial community responses related to wetland carbon mobilization in the coastal zone
A comparative genomics perspective on the genetic content of the alkaliphilic haloarchaeon Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099T
Pyrosequencing Reveals High-Temperature Cellulolytic Microbial Consortia in Great Boiling Spring after In Situ Lignocellulose Enrichment
Viral and metabolic controls on high rates of microbial sulfur and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems
A Collaboration to Improve Plant Genome Annotations Across Species
Getting to the Bottom of Fungal Functions Across Earth’s Forests