Performance evaluation and tuning of BioPig for genomic analysis
Stepping on the Gas to a Circular Economy: Accelerating Development of Carbon-Negative Chemical Production from Gas Fermentation
Comparative metagenomics reveals impact of contaminants on groundwater microbiomes
The “Most Wanted” Taxa from the Human Microbiome for Whole Genome Sequencing
Metabolic Potential for Reductive Acetogenesis and a Novel Energy-Converting [NiFe] Hydrogenase in Bathyarchaeia From Termite Guts – A Genome-Centric Analysis
GenomeVISTA—an integrated software package for whole-genome alignment and visualization
Directed Evolution of Flavin-Dependent Halogenases for Site- and Atroposelective Halogenation of 3‑Aryl-4(3H)‑Quinazolinones via Kinetic or Dynamic Kinetic Resolution
Combating a Global Threat to a Clonal Crop: Banana Black Sigatoka Pathogen Pseudocercospora fijiensis (Synonym Mycosphaerella fijiensis) Genomes Reveal Clues for Disease Control
The Chlamydomonas Genome Project, version 6: reference assemblies for mating type plus and minus strains reveal extensive structural mutation in the laboratory.
MetaBAT 2: an adaptive binning algorithm for robust and efficient genome reconstruction from metagenome assemblies
Ice cover extent drives phytoplankton and bacterial community structure in a large north‐temperate lake: implications for a warming climate
Engineering a Synthetic Escherichia coli Coculture for Compartmentalized de novo Biosynthesis of Isobutyl Butyrate from Mixed Sugars