Critical biogeochemical functions in the subsurface are associated with bacteria from new phyla and little studied lineages
Genome sequence of Shimia str. SK013, a representative of the Roseobacter group isolated from marine sediment
Genome Sequence of Marinobacter sp. Strain MCTG268 Isolated from the Cosmopolitan Marine Diatom Skeletonema costatum
NMPFamsDB: a database of novel protein families from microbial metagenomes and metatranscriptomes
Complete Genome Sequence of Nitrosospira multiformis, an Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium from the Soil Environment▿ †
Genome sequence of Frateuria aurantia type strain (Kondô 67T), a xanthomonade isolated from Lilium auratium Lindl.
Draft genome sequence of the Tremellomycetes yeast Papiliotrema laurentii 5307AH, isolated from aircraft
Differences in crop bacterial community structure between hoatzins from different geographical locations
Metagenomic analysis of intertidal hypersaline microbial mats from Elkhorn Slough, California, grown with and without molybdate
Benchmarking viromics: an in silico evaluation of metagenome-enabled estimates of viral community composition and diversity
Teredinibacter haidensis sp. nov., Teredinibacter purpureus sp. nov. and Teredinibacter franksiae sp. nov., marine, cellulolytic endosymbiotic bacteria isolated from the gills of the wood-boring mollusc Bankia setacea (Bivalvia: Teredinidae) and emended
Deep‐sea hydrothermal vent metagenome‐assembled genomes provide insight into the phylum Nanoarchaeota