Functional and genomic diversity of methylotrophic Rhodocyclaceae: description of Methyloversatilis discipulorum sp. nov.
Extensive sampling of basidiomycete genomes demonstrates inadequacy of the white-rot/brown-rot paradigm for wood decay fungi
The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
Convergent reductive evolution and host adaptation in Mycoavidus bacterial endosymbionts of Mortierellaceae fungi
Large Direct Repeats Flank Genomic Rearrangements between a New Clinical Isolate of Francisella tularensis subsp. tularensis A1 and Schu S4
Identifying genomic data use with the Data Citation Explorer
Morphological and Genomic Features of the New Klosneuvirinae Isolate Fadolivirus IHUMI-VV54
The Genomic Standards Consortium
Enemy or ally: a genomic approach to elucidate the lifestyle of Phyllosticta citrichinaensis.
A remarkable expansion of oligopeptide transporter genes in rust fungi (Pucciniales) suggests a specialization in nutrients acquisition for obligate biotrophy.
Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria
Genomic variation in 3,010 diverse accessions of Asian cultivated rice