Insights into Secondary Metabolism from a Global Analysis of Prokaryotic Biosynthetic Gene Clusters
Impacts of land-use change on soil microbial communities and their function in the Amazon Rainforest
Viral dark matter and virus–host interactions resolved from publicly available microbial genomes
Draft Genome Sequence of Coniochaeta ligniaria NRRL 30616, a Lignocellulolytic Fungus for Bioabatement of Inhibitors in Plant Biomass Hydrolysates
Reevaluating the Salty Divide: Phylogenetic Specificity of Transitions between Marine and Freshwater Systems
Genomic insights into redox-driven microbial processes for carbon decomposition in thawing Arctic soils and permafrost.
Metagenomic insights into evolution of a heavy metal-contaminated groundwater microbial community
Feathermoss and epiphytic Nostoc cooperate differently: expanding the spectrum of plant–cyanobacteria symbiosis
Two major chromosome evolution events with unrivaled conserved gene content in pomegranate
Anoxic carbon flux in photosynthetic microbial mats as revealed by metatranscriptomics
The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation
Complete Genome Sequence of Micromonospora Strain L5, a Potential Plant-Growth-Regulating Actinomycete, Originally Isolated from Casuarina equisetifolia Root Nodules