The genome of Polaromonas naphthalenivorans strain CJ2, isolated from coal tar‐contaminated sediment, reveals physiological and metabolic versatility and evolution through extensive horizontal gene transfer
Rapid Evolution of Coral Proteins Responsible for Interaction with the Environment
Repeated Cis-Regulatory Tuning of a Metabolic Bottleneck Gene during Evolution
Transposon signatures of allopolyploid genome evolution
Duplications and losses of genes encoding known elements of the stress defence system of the Aspergilli contribute to the evolution of these filamentous fungi but do not directly influence their environmental stress tolerance
Genomics of the origin and evolution of Citrus
Early origins and evolution of microRNAs and Piwi-interacting RNAs in animals
Adaptive laboratory evolution for improved tolerance of isobutyl acetate in Escherichia coli
Gradual polyploid genome evolution revealed by pan-genomic analysis of Brachypodium hybridum and its diploid progenitors
Comparative genomics reveals dynamic genome evolution in host specialist ectomycorrhizal fungi
The evolution of sperm and non‐sperm producing organs in male Drosophila
Genomes of multicellular algal sisters to land plants illuminate signaling network evolution