The Rhizosphere Responds: Rich Fen Peat and Root Microbial Ecology after Long-Term Water Table Manipulation
Dynamic root exudate chemistry and microbial substrate preferences drive patterns in rhizosphere microbial community assembly
Qualitative and quantitative resistances to leaf rust finely mapped within two nucleotide‐binding site leucine‐rich repeat (NBS‐LRR)‐rich genomic regions of chromosome 19 in poplar
Hydrogen production in photosynthetic microbial mats in the Elkhorn Slough estuary, Monterey Bay
The molecular dimension of microbial species: 3. Comparative genomics of Synechococcus strains with different light responses and in situ diel transcription patterns of associated putative ecotypes in the Mushroom Spring microbial mat
Geoarchaeota: a new candidate phylum in the Archaea from high-temperature acidic iron mats in Yellowstone National Park
Community Structure and Function of High-Temperature Chlorophototrophic Microbial Mats Inhabiting Diverse Geothermal Environments
Pumping iron: A multi-omics analysis of two extremophilic algae reveals iron economy management
Assembly and Succession of Iron Oxide Microbial Mat Communities in Acidic Geothermal Springs
Metagenomic analysis of intertidal hypersaline microbial mats from Elkhorn Slough, California, grown with and without molybdate
Metagenome-assembled bacterial genomes from benthic microbial mats in ice-covered Lake Vanda, Antarctica
JGI Accepts 17 Proposals for Community Science Program