Subsurface hydrocarbon degradation strategies in low- and high-sulfate coal seam communities identified with activity-based metagenomics
Comparison of soil biosolarization with mesophilic and thermophilic solid digestates on soil microbial quantity and diversity
Transcriptomic analysis highlights epigenetic and transcriptional regulation during zygotic embryo development of Pinus pinaster
ORT: A workflow linking genome-scale metabolic models with reactive transport codes.
Cellulose-degrading bacteria associated with the invasive woodwasp Sirex noctilio
Viral dynamics in a high-rate algal pond reveals a burst of Phycodnaviridae diversity correlated with episodic algal mortality
Co‑cultivation of the anaerobic fungus Caecomyces churrovis with Methanobacterium bryantii enhances transcription of carbohydrate binding modules, dockerins, and pyruvate formate lyases on specific substrates
Expansion of Thaumarchaeota habitat range is correlated with horizontal transfer of ATPase operons
Association of functionally significant Melanocortin-4 but not Melanocortin-3 receptor mutations with severe adult obesity in a large North American case–control study
Characterization of a novel polyextremotolerant fungus, Exophiala viscosa, with insights into its melanin regulation and ecological niche.
Development of genetic tools for heterologous protein expression in a pentose‐utilizing environmental isolate of Pseudomonas putida
Biochemical characterization of Fsa16295Glu from “Fervidibacter sacchari,” the first hyperthermophilic GH50 with β-1,3-endoglucanase activity and founding member of the subfamily GH50_3