Metagenome-assembled genomes of phytoplankton microbiomes from the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans
Comparison of 26 Sphingomonad Genomes Reveals Diverse Environmental Adaptations and Biodegradative Capabilities
Anaerobic gut fungi are an untapped reservoir of natural products
ATGC: a database of orthologous genes from closely related prokaryotic genomes and a research platform for microevolution of prokaryotes
Visual Comparative Omics of Fungi for Plant Biomass Deconstruction
Sequencing crop genomes: approaches and applications
Serendipita Fungi Modulate the Switchgrass Root Transcriptome to Circumvent Host Defenses and Establish a Symbiotic Relationship.
Standardized naming of microbiome samples in Genomes OnLine Database.
Comparative genomic analysis of thermophilic fungi reveals convergent evolutionary adaptations and gene losses
The reference genome and abiotic stress responses of the model perennial grass Brachypodium sylvaticum
Metagenomes and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Substrate-Amended Hot Spring Sediment Incubations from Yellowstone National Park
Genomic characterization of three marine fungi, including Emericellopsis atlantica sp. nov. with signatures of a generalist lifestyle and marine biomass degradation