Better Crops With a Pointillist Approach to Plant Genomics
Cracking the Secrets of the Diatom’s Shell
Krishna Palaniappan
JGIota: A Biofuel Breakthrough in Anaerobic Fungi with Michelle O'Malley and Tom Lankiewicz
Examples: Successful LOIs & Submissions
At the Forefront of Terrestrial Virus Research
DNA Synthesis Program
Transcription Factor Family-Based Reconstruction of Singleton Regulons and Study of the Crp/Fnr, ArsR, and GntR Families in Desulfovibrionales Genomes
Adaptation to Environmental Extremes Structures Functional Traits in Biological Soil Crust and Hypolithic Microbial Communities
Impact of fire on active layer and permafrost microbial communities and metagenomes in an upland Alaskan boreal forest
ContScout: sensitive detection and removal of contamination from annotated genomes
Microbial Ecology in a Changing Climate