Engineering a Synthetic Escherichia coli Coculture for Compartmentalized de novo Biosynthesis of Isobutyl Butyrate from Mixed Sugars
Linking soil biology and chemistry in biological soil crust using isolate exometabolomics
Biology of Fungi and Their Bacterial Endosymbionts
High‐resolution phenotyping of sorghum genotypic and phenotypic responses to low nitrogen and synthetic microbial communities
Genome biology of the paleotetraploid perennial biomass crop Miscanthus
EcoFABs: advancing microbiome science through standardized fabricated ecosystems
Sequencing and functional validation of the JGI Brachypodium distachyon T‐DNA collection
Manipulating the 3D organization of the largest synthetic yeast chromosome
Crowdsourcing and curation: perspectives from biology and natural language processing
Oleaginous Yeast Biology Elucidated With Comparative Transcriptomics
JGI Plant Gene Atlas: an updateable transcriptome resource to improve functional gene descriptions across the plant kingdom
A Standardized Synthetic Eucalyptus Transcription Factor and Promoter Panel for Re-engineering Secondary Cell Wall Regulation in Biomass and Bioenergy Crops