Small partners, big impacts
Consensus statement from the first RdRp Summit: advancing RNA virus discovery at scale across communities
Investigation of inter- and intraspecies variation through genome sequencing of Aspergillus section Nigri
16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing Data from Flooded Rice Paddy Mesocosms Treated with Different Silicon-Rich Soil Amendments
Large-scale protein level comparison of Deltaproteobacteria reveals cohesive metabolic groups
Fine-scale evaluation of two standard 16S rRNA gene amplicon primer pairs for analysis of total prokaryotes and archaeal nitrifiers in differently managed soils
Transductomics: sequencing-based detection and analysis of transduced DNA in pure cultures and microbial communities
Linking secondary metabolites to gene clusters through genome sequencing of six diverse Aspergillus species
MeCorS: Metagenome-enabled error correction of single cell sequencing reads
A call for standardized classification of metagenome projects
Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals intrinsic and extrinsic regulatory heterogeneity in yeast responding to stress
The Physcomitrella patens chromosome‐scale assembly reveals moss genome structure and evolution