A bacterial pioneer produces cellulase complexes that persist through community succession
Functional characteristics of an endophyte community colonizing rice roots as revealed by metagenomic analysis.
Reactive iron, not fungal community, drives organic carbon oxidation potential in floodplain soils
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Metagenome Annotation Pipeline (MAP v.4)
Virus-Host Interactions and Genetic Diversity of Antarctic Sea Ice Bacteriophages
Exabiome: Advancing Microbial Science through Exascale Computing
Building the crops of tomorrow: advantages of symbiont-based approaches to improving abiotic stress tolerance
Next generation sequencing data of a defined microbial mock community
Millimeter‐scale genetic gradients and community‐level molecular convergence in a hypersaline microbial mat
Insights into the bacterial community and its temporal succession during the fermentation of wine grapes
RegPrecise: a database of curated genomic inferences of transcriptional regulatory interactions in prokaryotes
Community ecology across bacteria, archaea and microbial eukaryotes in the sediment and seawater of coastal Puerto Nuevo, Baja California