Genetic and Structural Diversity of Prokaryotic Ice-Binding Proteins from the Central Arctic Ocean
Genome sequence of the Wenxinia marina type strain (DSM 24838T), a representative of the Roseobacter group isolated from oilfield sediments
Draft Genome Sequence of Methylocapsa palsarum NE2T, an Obligate Methanotroph from Subarctic Soil
Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans metabolism: from genome sequence to industrial applications
Genome Sequence of Methanosarcina soligelidi SMA-21, Isolated from Siberian Permafrost-Affected Soil
Genome Sequence of Roseovarius sp. Strain MCTG156(2b) Isolated from a Phytoplankton Net Trawl on the Scottish West Coast
Genomic profiles of four novel cyanobacteria MAGs from Lake Vanda, Antarctica: insights into photosynthesis, cold tolerance, and the circadian clock
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9CT, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Minerotrophic Fen Peatland
Complete genome sequence of the halophilic bacterium Spirochaeta africana type strain (Z-7692T) from the alkaline Lake Magadi in the East African Rift
Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications
Methanogenesis and Salt Tolerance Genes of a Novel Halophilic Methanosarcinaceae Metagenome-Assembled Genome from a Former Solar Saltern
Draft Genome Sequence of Frankia sp. Strain BMG5.12, a Nitrogen-Fixing Actinobacterium Isolated from Tunisian Soils