Methylphosphonate Degradation and Salt-Tolerance Genes of Two Novel Halophilic Marivita Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Unrestored Solar Salterns
Serendipita Fungi Modulate the Switchgrass Root Transcriptome to Circumvent Host Defenses and Establish a Symbiotic Relationship.
The Phaeodactylum genome reveals the evolutionary history of diatom genomes
BIGMAC : breaking inaccurate genomes and merging assembled contigs for long read metagenomic assembly
Genomes of multicellular algal sisters to land plants illuminate signaling network evolution
PCR and Omics Based Techniques to Study the Diversity, Ecology and Biology of Anaerobic Fungi: Insights, Challenges and Opportunities
Trends in Prokaryotic Evolution Revealed by Comparison of Closely Related Bacterial and Archaeal Genomes ▿
Major proliferation of transposable elements shaped the genome of the soybean rust pathogen Phakopsora pachyrhizi
Early Diverging Insect-Pathogenic Fungi of the Order Entomophthorales Possess Diverse and Unique Subtilisin-Like Serine Proteases
ProDeGe: a computational protocol for fully automated decontamination of genomes
Expression and characterization of spore coat CotH kinases from the cellulosomes of anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycetes)
The DOE-JGI Standard Operating Procedure for the Annotations of Microbial Genomes