Mass spectrometry imaging–based assays for aminotransferase activity reveal a broad substrate spectrum for a previously uncharacterized enzyme
Microfabrication of a Chamber for High-Resolution, In Situ Imaging of the Whole Root for Plant–Microbe Interactions
Genome-Scale Data Call for a Taxonomic Rearrangement of Geodermatophilaceae
A zinc-finger-family transcription factor, AbVf19, is required for the induction of a gene subset important for virulence in Alternaria brassicicola.
NAP: The Network Analysis Profiler, a web tool for easier topological analysis and comparison of medium-scale biological networks
Work With the JGI! Tips for a Winning CSP Proposal
JGIota: Looking Back at Sequencing for Soybeans
Rex Malmstrom
Danielle Goudeau
MycoCosm Tutorial
Ben Bowen