Beyond linear sequence comparisons: the use of genome-level characters for phylogenetic reconstruction
Pleiotropic and Epistatic Network-Based Discovery: Integrated Networks for Target Gene Discovery
Phylogenetically Driven Sequencing of Extremely Halophilic Archaea Reveals Strategies for Static and Dynamic Osmo-response
The Biota Project: A Case Study of a Multimedia, Grassroots Approach to Scientific Communication for Engaging Diverse Audiences.
The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
Strategic Integration of Multiple Bioinformatics Resources for System Level Analysis of Biological Networks
A Pleiotropic Flowering Time QTL Exhibits Gene-by-Environment Interaction for Fitness in a Perennial Grass
Implications of the Plastid Genome Sequence of Typha (Typhaceae, Poales) for Understanding Genome Evolution in Poaceae
High-Resolution Linkage Map and Chromosome-Scale Genome Assembly for Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from 10 Populations
Spray‐induced gene silencing to identify powdery mildew gene targets and processes for powdery mildew control
Engineering Pseudomonas putida for efficient aromatic conversion to bioproduct using high throughput screening in a bioreactor
GenePRIMP: a gene prediction improvement pipeline for prokaryotic genomes