The gold-standard genome of Aspergillus niger NRRL 3 enables a detailed view of the diversity of sugar catabolism in fungi
MetaBAT 2: an adaptive binning algorithm for robust and efficient genome reconstruction from metagenome assemblies
The draft genome sequence of the ascomycete fungus Penicillium subrubescens reveals a highly enriched content of plant biomass related CAZymes compared to related fungi
Complete Genome Sequences of Two Phylogenetically Distinct Nitrospina Strains Isolated from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Prediction, enrichment and isolation identify a responsive, competitive community of cellulolytic microorganisms from a municipal landfill.
Adaptation to herbivory by the Tammar wallaby includes bacterial and glycoside hydrolase profiles different from other herbivores
HT-SIP: a semi-automated stable isotope probing pipeline identifies cross-kingdom interactions in the hyphosphere of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
Bosea psychrotolerans sp. nov., a psychrotrophic alphaproteobacterium isolated from Lake Michigan water
Draft Genome of Janthinobacterium sp. RA13 Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
Talaromyces borbonicus, sp. nov., a novel fungus from biodegraded Arundo donax with potential abilities in lignocellulose conversion
Biochemical and structural characterization of enzymes in the 4-hydroxybenzoate catabolic pathway of lignin-degrading white-rot fungi
Complete genome sequence of Thermovibrio ammonificans HB-1T, a thermophilic, chemolithoautotrophic bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent