nifH pyrosequencing reveals the potential for location‐specific soil chemistry to influence N2‐fixing community dynamics
Metatranscriptomic analysis reveals dissimilarity in viral community activity between an ice-free and ice-covered winter in Lake Erie.
Brachypodium as an emerging model for cereal–pathogen interactions
Patterns and drivers of fungal community depth stratification in Sphagnum peat
Microbial Community Analyses Inform Geochemical Reaction Network Models for Predicting Pathways of Greenhouse Gas Production
Overexpression of a Prefoldin β subunit gene reduces biomass recalcitrance in the bioenergy crop Populus
Stress responses in an Arctic microalga (Pelagophyceae) following sudden salinity change revealed by gene expression analysis
Community Structure and Microbial Associations in Sediment-Free Methanotrophic Enrichment Cultures from a Marine Methane Seep
Toward Understanding Phage:Host Interactions in the Rumen; Complete Genome Sequences of Lytic Phages Infecting Rumen Bacteria
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Metagenome Annotation Pipeline (MAP v.4)
Simulation of Deepwater Horizon oil plume reveals substrate specialization within a complex community of hydrocarbon degraders
Getting back to the grass roots: harnessing specialized metabolites for improved crop stress resilience