Approved Proposals
A Powerful Technique to Study Microbes, Now Easier
Alabama Agricultural & Mechanical University Internship Program
JGIota: Looking Back at How Cow Rumen Samples Landed on a Syllabus
For the Tiniest Archaea, A Genomic Switch of Friend or Foe
VEGA Symposium
The Genome Portal of the Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute
The genome sequence of the psychrophilic archaeon, Methanococcoides burtonii: the role of genome evolution in cold adaptation
Genome Analysis of Planctomycetes Inhabiting Blades of the Red Alga Porphyra umbilicalis
Sensitivity Analysis of Genome-Scale Metabolic Flux Prediction
Genome Sequence of Thermofilum pendens Reveals an Exceptional Loss of Biosynthetic Pathways without Genome Reduction▿ †