Multifunctional cellulases are potent, versatile tools for a renewable bioeconomy
Regulation of Cell-to-Cell Communication and Cell Wall Integrity by a Network of MAP Kinase Pathways and Transcription Factors in Neurospora crassa
Multi-omics profiling of the cold tolerant Monoraphidium minutum 26B-AM in response to abiotic stress
Homotypic clusters of transcription factor binding sites are a key component of human promoters and enhancers
Hydrothermal Vents and International Science: A Postdoc’s Visit to the JGI
IMG Webinar Series
Soybean (Glycine max) Haplotype Map (GmHapMap): a universal resource for soybean translational and functional genomics
User Support Analysis Group
Secondary Metabolites Program
Hiroshi Otani
The Big Deal About Short Plants
Ian Blaby