Defining the eco-enzymological role of the fungal strain Coniochaeta sp. 2T2.1 in a tripartite lignocellulolytic microbial consortium
Supporting community annotation and user collaboration in the integrated microbial genomes (IMG) system
Translating macroecological models to predict microbial establishment probability in an agricultural inoculant introduction
Spatial Homogeneity of Bacterial Communities Associated with the Surface Mucus Layer of the Reef-Building Coral Acropora palmata
Litter chemistry influences decomposition through activity of specific microbial functional guilds
The epsomitic phototrophic microbial mat of Hot Lake, Washington: community structural responses to seasonal cycling
Peatland microbial community responses to plant functional group and drought are depth‐dependent
Substrate availability and not thermal acclimation controls microbial temperature sensitivity response to long‐term warming
Marsarchaeota are an aerobic archaeal lineage abundant in geothermal iron oxide microbial mats
Viral potential to modulate microbial methane metabolism varies by habitat
Effect of oxygen minimum zone formation on communities of marine protists
Rapid Response of Nitrogen Cycling Gene Transcription to Labile Carbon Amendments in a Soil Microbial Community