Morphological and Genomic Features of the New Klosneuvirinae Isolate Fadolivirus IHUMI-VV54
Old can be new again: HAPPY whole genome sequencing, mapping and assembly
Contrasting Pathways for Anaerobic Methane Oxidation in Gulf of Mexico Cold Seep Sediments
A standard-enabled workflow for synthetic biology.
Finding New Cell Wall Regulatory Genes in Populus trichocarpa Using Multiple Lines of Evidence
Hydrothermal Vents and International Science: A Postdoc’s Visit to the JGI
Methane Cycling Microbial Community Characteristics: Comparing Natural, Actively Extracted, Restored and Unrestored Boreal Peatlands
The distribution, diversity and function of predominant Thermoproteales in high‐temperature environments of Yellowstone National Park
Russulaceae: a new genomic dataset to study ecosystem function and evolutionary diversification of ectomycorrhizal fungi with their tree associates
A New Nomenclature of Xenopus laevis Chromosomes Based on the Phylogenetic Relationship to Silurana/Xenopus tropicalis
Patterns in Wetland Microbial Community Composition and Functional Gene Repertoire Associated with Methane Emissions
Phototrophic Co-cultures From Extreme Environments: Community Structure and Potential Value for Fundamental and Applied Research