Draft genome sequences of Butyrivibrio hungatei DSM 14810 (JK 615T) and Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens DSM 3071 (D1T).
Adaptations to Submarine Hydrothermal Environments Exemplified by the Genome of Nautilia profundicola
Complete genome sequence of Granulicella mallensis type strain MP5ACTX8T, an acidobacterium from tundra soil
Draft Genome Sequence of Streptomyces sp. Strain Wigar10, Isolated from a Surface-Sterilized Garlic Bulb
Complete Genome of the Cellulolytic Ruminal Bacterium Ruminococcus albus 7
Complete genome sequence of Stackebrandtia nassauensis type strain (LLR-40K-21T)
Comparative genomics reveals dynamic genome evolution in host specialist ectomycorrhizal fungi
Chemical synthesis rewriting of a bacterial genome to achieve design flexibility and biological functionality
Complete genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic mineral-sulfide-oxidizing firmicute Sulfobacillus acidophilus type strain (NALT)
The genome of wine yeast Dekkera bruxellensis provides a tool to explore its food-related properties
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Evolution of substrate-specific gene expression and RNA editing in brown rot wood-decaying fungi
Draft Genome Assemblies of Ionic Liquid-Resistant Yarrowia lipolytica PO1f and Its Superior Evolved Strain, YlCW001