Exploring Possibilities: 2022 JGI-UC Merced Interns
JGI@25: Following Fungi that Pry Apart Plant Polymers
Model Fern Reveals Insight into DNA Thievery in Ferns
JGI@25: The Human Genome Project, or the JGI’s Origin Story
Streamlining Regulon Identification in Bacteria
Climate Change Threatens Base of Polar Oceans’ Bountiful Food Webs
Dealing with Drought: Uncovering Sorghum’s Secrets
Expanding Virophage Diversity
JGI@25: Fueling Investigation into Methane-Making Microbes
A Better Way to Find RNA Virus Needles in the Proverbial Database Haystacks
A New Actinobacterial Chapter in the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea
Learning to Look