Philympics 2021: Prophage Predictions Perplex Programs
Gamete expression of TALE class HD genes activates the diploid sporophyte program in Marchantia polymorpha
User Advisory Committees
The genome of Syntrophorhabdus aromaticivorans strain UI provides new insights for syntrophic aromatic compound metabolism and electron flow
Special Initiatives & Programs
MicroSyn: A user friendly tool for detection of microsynteny in a gene family
Sequencing Sphagnum Leads to Discovery of Sex Chromosomes
When “The Blob” Made It Hotter Under the Water
Refining the Process of Identifying Algae Biotechnology Candidates
Doubling Down on Known Protein Families
JGI@25: Cow Rumen and the Early Days of Metagenomics
Tracing the Evolution of Shiitake Mushrooms