New Research Finds Flagella in the Terrestrial Roots of Marine Bacteria
For the Tiniest Archaea, A Genomic Switch of Friend or Foe
Plant Program User Advisory Committee
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Metagenome Annotation Pipeline (MAP v.4)
Comparative Genomics of Rumen Butyrivibrio spp. Uncovers a Continuum of Polysaccharide-Degrading Capabilities
Hydrothermal Vents and International Science: A Postdoc’s Visit to the JGI
Supporting community annotation and user collaboration in the integrated microbial genomes (IMG) system
Sequencing and functional validation of the JGI Brachypodium distachyon T‐DNA collection
The IMG/M data management and analysis system v.6.0: new tools and advanced capabilities
JGI Plant Gene Atlas: an updateable transcriptome resource to improve functional gene descriptions across the plant kingdom
User Science
Novel and Emerging Capabilities that Can Provide a Holistic Understanding of the Plant Root Microbiome