Honey Bee Gut Microbiota Divvy Up Dinner
Effects of Polar Light Cycle on Microbial Food Web
Marine Microbe Contains Multitudes
JGI@25: The Human Genome Project, or the JGI’s Origin Story
JGI@25: Mapping Switchgrass Traits with Common Gardens
Comparative single-cell genomics reveals potential ecological niches for the freshwater acI Actinobacteria lineage
Protocol for single-cell isolation and genome amplification of environmental microbial eukaryotes for genomic analysis
Fuzzy GIS‐based multi‐criteria evaluation for US Agave production as a bioenergy feedstock
Mass spectrometry imaging–based assays for aminotransferase activity reveal a broad substrate spectrum for a previously uncharacterized enzyme
Integrative visual omics of the white-rot fungus Polyporus brumalis exposes the biotechnological potential of its oxidative enzymes for delignifying raw plant biomass
Engineering Escherichia coli for Biodiesel Production Utilizing a Bacterial Fatty Acid Methyltransferase
Microbial Community Analyses Inform Geochemical Reaction Network Models for Predicting Pathways of Greenhouse Gas Production