Evolutionary constraint facilitates interpretation of genetic variation in resequenced human genomes
A compendium of bacterial and archaeal single-cell amplified genomes from oxygen deficient marine waters
Ecophysiology of Freshwater Verrucomicrobia Inferred from Metagenome-Assembled Genomes
Tuning fresh: radiation through rewiring of central metabolism in streamlined bacteria
The Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) v.4: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata
Three founding ancestral genomes involved in the origin of sugarcane
Metagenomes and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Microbiomes Metabolizing Thin Stillage from an Ethanol Biorefinery
Genomes of ubiquitous marine and hypersaline Hydrogenovibrio, Thiomicrorhabdus and Thiomicrospira spp. encode a diversity of mechanisms to sustain chemolithoautotrophy in heterogeneous environments
The DOE-JGI Standard Operating Procedure for the Annotations of Microbial Genomes
Deep‐sea hydrothermal vent metagenome‐assembled genomes provide insight into the phylum Nanoarchaeota
Analysis of twelve genomes of the bacterium Kerstersia gyiorum from brown-throated sloths (Bradypus variegatus), the first from a non-human host.
Functional Insights of Salinity Stress-Related Pathways in Metagenome-Resolved Methanothrix Genomes