Interdisciplinary delegation from the University of Duisburg-Essen explores collaborative opportunities with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
A Community Resource for Secondary Metabolite Researchers
A Better Way to Find RNA Virus Needles in the Proverbial Database Haystacks
JGI Pitches 2022 Visiting Faculty Program Collaborations
Forming Scientific Connections and Building Community
SPRUCE-ing Up Science
What Happens Underground Influences Global Nutrient Cycles
Extracting the Secrets of Secondary Metabolites
Honey Bee Gut Microbiota Divvy Up Dinner
Genome Sequence of the Fleming Strain of Micrococcus luteus, a Simple Free-Living Actinobacterium▿ †‡
Complete genome sequence of Acetohalobium arabaticum type strain (Z-7288T)
Genome sequence of Burkholderia mimosarum strain LMG 23256T, a Mimosa pigra microsymbiont from Anso, Taiwan