Young inversion with multiple linked QTLs under selection in a hybrid zone
Metagenomics-resolved genomics provides novel insights into chitin turnover, metabolic specialization, and niche partitioning in the octocoral microbiome
Discovery and annotation of small proteins using genomics, proteomics, and computational approaches
Comparative Genomics of the Ectomycorrhizal Sister Species Rhizopogon vinicolor and Rhizopogon vesiculosus (Basidiomycota: Boletales) Reveals a Divergence of the Mating Type B Locus
Effects of sample treatments on genome recovery via single-cell genomics
Ammonia‐oxidising archaea living at low pH: Insights from comparative genomics
Comparative genomics of Mortierella elongata and its bacterial endosymbiont Mycoavidus cysteinexigens
Single-cell enabled comparative genomics of a deep ocean SAR11 bathytype
Comparative genomics reveals mobile pathogenicity chromosomes in Fusarium
Comparative genomics of Mollicutes-related endobacteria supports a late invasion into Mucoromycota fungi
Phylogeny and physiology of candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’ (OP9/JS1) inferred from cultivation-independent genomics
Soybean (Glycine max) Haplotype Map (GmHapMap): a universal resource for soybean translational and functional genomics