Whole community shotgun metagenomes of two biological soil crust types from the Mojave Desert
Supporting community annotation and user collaboration in the integrated microbial genomes (IMG) system
Unusual Metabolism and Hypervariation in the Genome of a Gracilibacterium (BD1-5) from an Oil-Degrading Community
Genome Sequence of Victivallis vadensis ATCC BAA-548, an Anaerobic Bacterium from the Phylum Lentisphaerae, Isolated from the Human Gastrointestinal Tract
Impacts of Maize Domestication and Breeding on Rhizosphere Microbial Community Recruitment from a Nutrient Depleted Agricultural Soil
Prediction, enrichment and isolation identify a responsive, competitive community of cellulolytic microorganisms from a municipal landfill.
Evolution of a Fungal Gene Expression Regulator
University of California, Merced Internship Program
Dispatches From JGI Interns
DNA Synthesis Science User Advisory Committee
Single Cell Research Group
Metabolomics Technology Group