Investigation of Proposed Ladderane Biosynthetic Genes from Anammox Bacteria by Heterologous Expression in E. coli
Water mass age structures the auxiliary metabolic gene content of free-living and particle-attached deep ocean viral communities
Genomic determination of breeding systems and trans-specific evolution of HD MAT genes in suilloid fungi.
Genomic differentiation among wild cyanophages despite widespread horizontal gene transfer
Biological Consequences of Ancient Gene Acquisition and Duplication in the Large Genome of Candidatus Solibacter usitatus Ellin6076
Biomass‐degrading enzymes are catabolite repressed in anaerobic gut fungi
Phylogeographic reconstruction of a bacterial species with high levels of lateral gene transfer
Large-scale genome sequencing of mycorrhizal fungi provides insights into the early evolution of symbiotic traits
Do Genetic Drift and Gene Flow Affect the Geographic Distribution of Female Plants in Gynodioecious Lobelia siphilitica?
Biotechnological Innovations through Fungi
Expression of macromolecular organic nitrogen degrading enzymes identifies potential mediators of soil organic N availability to an annual grass
Halophytes and heavy metals: A multi‐omics approach to understand the role of gene and genome duplication in the abiotic stress tolerance of Cakile maritima