Complete genome sequence of Thermovibrio ammonificans HB-1T, a thermophilic, chemolithoautotrophic bacterium isolated from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent
Chapter Five The Sphagnum Genome Project A New Model for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
Complete genome sequence of the Antarctic Halorubrum lacusprofundi type strain ACAM 34
Draft Genome of Burkholderia cenocepacia TAtl-371, a Strain from the Burkholderia cepacia Complex Retains Antagonism in Different Carbon and Nitrogen Sources
Complete genome sequence of Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans type strain (ICPT)
Genome Sequence of the Obligate Methanotroph Methylosinus trichosporium Strain OB3b▿
High-quality genome of the basidiomycete yeast Dioszegia hungarica PDD-24b-2 isolated from cloud water
Complete genome sequence of Hirschia baltica type strain (IFAM 1418T)
ALE: a generic assembly likelihood evaluation framework for assessing the accuracy of genome and metagenome assemblies
High quality draft genome sequence of Brachymonas chironomi AIMA4T (DSM 19884T) isolated from a Chironomus sp. egg mass
The draft genome sequence of the ascomycete fungus Penicillium subrubescens reveals a highly enriched content of plant biomass related CAZymes compared to related fungi
Linking microbial Sphagnum degradation and acetate mineralization in acidic peat bogs: from global insights to a genome-centric case study