Best practices for the execution, analysis, and data storage of plant single-cell/nucleus transcriptomics
Single-cell Sequencing of Thiomargarita Reveals Genomic Flexibility for Adaptation to Dynamic Redox Conditions
Assembling Single-Cell Genomes and Mini-Metagenomes From Chimeric MDA Products
Single-cell and metagenomic analyses indicate a fermentative and saccharolytic lifestyle for members of the OP9 lineage
Identification of candidate genes in Arabidopsis and Populus cell wall biosynthesis using text-mining, co-expression network analysis and comparative genomics
Cell by cell: population genetics in the wild
Insights into the phylogeny and coding potential of microbial dark matter
MetaBAT, an efficient tool for accurately reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities
Divergent cytosine DNA methylation patterns in single‐cell, soybean root hairs
Targeted single‐cell sequencing
A programmable droplet-based microfluidic device applied to multiparameter analysis of single microbes and microbial communities
Potential for Chemolithoautotrophy Among Ubiquitous Bacteria Lineages in the Dark Ocean