Single cell genomic and transcriptomic evidence for the use of alternative nitrogen substrates by anammox bacteria
Synergistic interactions between anammox and dissimilatory nitrate reducing bacteria sustains reactor performance across variable nitrogen loading ratios
Hydrazine Synthase, a Unique Phylomarker with Which To Study the Presence and Biodiversity of Anammox Bacteria
Minimum information about a marker gene sequence (MIMARKS) and minimum information about any (x) sequence (MIxS) specifications
Investigation of Proposed Ladderane Biosynthetic Genes from Anammox Bacteria by Heterologous Expression in E. coli
Supercharging SIP in the Fungal Hyphosphere
Microbial Genomics & Metagenomics (MGM) Workshop
JGI@25: Mapping Switchgrass Traits with Common Gardens
JGI@25: Fueling Investigation into Methane-Making Microbes
New Research Sheds Light on Diversity in the Deep Sea
JGIota: The Algae Nicknamed ‘Chlamy’
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