Computationally Classifying Fungal Lifestyles
The minimum information about a genome sequence (MIGS) specification
Information theory and machine learning illuminate large‐scale metabolomic responses of Brachypodium distachyon to environmental change
Comparative genomics reveals unique wood‐decay strategies and fruiting body development in the Schizophyllaceae
Laying the Foundation for a Genomic Rosetta Stone: Creating Information Hubs through the Use of Consensus Identifiers
Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) from Biomedical Literature using Attention-based Relational Context Information
Comparative Genomics and Transcriptomics to Analyze Fruiting Body Development in Filamentous Ascomycetes
Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster
A compendium of geochemical information from the Saanich Inlet water column
Strand-Specific RNA-Seq Analyses of Fruiting Body Development in Coprinopsis cinerea
Minimum Information about an Uncultivated Virus Genome (MIUViG)
Genomics and Development of Lentinus tigrinus: A White-Rot Wood-Decaying Mushroom with Dimorphic Fruiting Bodies