JGI@25: Following Fungi that Pry Apart Plant Polymers
iPHoP: A Matchmaker for Phages and their Hosts
From Stress to Growth: The adaptive mechanisms of algae in changing Arctic waters
JGI@25: Studying Sorghum’s Survival Skills
You Can Move, But You Can’t Hide
JGI@25: Mapping Switchgrass Traits with Common Gardens
Genomic characterization of three marine fungi, including Emericellopsis atlantica sp. nov. with signatures of a generalist lifestyle and marine biomass degradation
Web of microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes
Genomic properties of Marine Group A bacteria indicate a role in the marine sulfur cycle
The genomic basis of trophic strategy in marine bacteria
JGI@25: Expanding Metagenomics to Capture Viral Diversity
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