Draft genome sequence of carbapenem-resistant Shewanella algae strain AC isolated from small abalone (Haliotis diversicolor)
JGIota: Sequencing Shiitakes with David Hibbett
Pumping iron: A multi-omics analysis of two extremophilic algae reveals iron economy management
Genomic characterization of carbapenem-resistant Shewanella algae isolated from Asian hard clam (Meretrix lusoria)
JGIota: Looking Back at How Cow Rumen Samples Landed on a Syllabus
Reversal of carbapenem-resistance in Shewanella algae by CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing
Detection of S83V GyrA mutation in quinolone-resistant Shewanella algae using comparative genomics
JGIota: Looking Back at Methane-Making Microbes
Insights into the red algae and eukaryotic evolution from the genome of Porphyra umbilicalis (Bangiophyceae, Rhodophyta)
Comparative genomics reveals insights into characterization and distribution of quorum sensing-related genes in Shewanella algae from marine environment and clinical sources
JGIota: Looking Back at Sequencing for Soybeans
Marine algae and land plants share conserved phytochrome signaling systems