Hiroshi Otani, PhD, Secondary Metabolites Group, DOE Joint Genome Institute
Since joining the DOE Joint Genome Institute in 2016, Dr. Otani has been studying secondary metabolism in microbes, particularly actinomycetes. His research activity is focused on developing and implementing new technologies and methodologies that facilitate discovery of new secondary metabolites. Prior to joining the JGI, he studied transcriptional regulation, metabolism and development in actinomycetes. He is particularly interested in understanding how, when and why microbes decide to produce which metabolites.
- BS, engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
- Master, biotechnology, University of Tokyo
- PhD, biotechnology, University of Tokyo
- Otani, H., Stogios, P.J, Xu, X., Nocek, B., Li, S.N., Savchenko, A., and Eltis, L.D. (2016) The activity of CouR, a MarR family transcriptional regulator, is modulated through a novel mechanism. Nucleic Acids Res. 44, 595-607.
- Otani, H., Lee, Y.E., Casabon, I., and Eltis, L.D. (2014) Characterization of p-hydroxycinnamate catabolism in a soil Actinobacterium. J. Bacteriol. 196, 4293-4303.
- Otani, H., Higo, A., Nanamiya, H., Horinouchi, S., and Ohnishi, Y. (2013) An alternative sigma factor governs the principal sigma factor in Streptomyces griseus. Mol. Microbiol. 87, 1223-1236.