At JGI, Kyrpides oversees projects such as GenePRIMP, a highly rated quality control program for genome sequencing, and GOLD, the Genomes On-Line Database. GenePRIMP stands for “Gene PRediction IMprovement Pipeline, and it consists of a series of computational units that can be used to significantly improve the overall quality of the predicted genes in any sequenced genome. The results identify gene-calling errors such as potentially incorrect gene start and end positions, large overlaps between genes, and fragmented or missed genes. GOLD provides comprehensive information on genome sequencing projects, including metagenomes and metadata from around the world. The HMP project catalog is powered by the GOLD database and provides a specialized user interface by which the data stored in GOLD can be read.
Read more at the Berkeley Lab News Center.
Review the Data Acquisition and Coordination Center’s role in the Human Microbiome Project in GenomeWeb‘s 2009 story.