The JGI hosted some of the brightest minds in genetics as part of our 2022 Annual Meeting: Nobel Laureate Jennifer Doudna of UC Berkeley and Berkeley Lab, Assaf Vardi of the Weizmann Institute of Science, and Susan Wessler of UC Riverside. [Read More]
Maximizing soybean yield is critical to energy independence in the U.S. Not only does it pair with maize, the dominant source of bioethanol, in crop rotation, but soybean (Glycine max) also has the advantage of reducing the need for nitrogen fertilizer. These impressive environmental and energy advantages explain why soybean is a flagship genome of the JGI’s Plant Program. [Read More]
Since the JGI’s sequencing of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii — the tiny alga with a mighty impact — became available, those sequences have been cited in almost one-fourth (23.8%) of publications focused on that specific algae. The reference genome is cited in roughly 10% of all since-released publications on green algae. [Read More]
ActinoBase, a public platform built on the knowledge of researchers studying actinomycetes, is the focus of a recent paper published in Microbial Genomics, ”ActinoBase: An Actinomycete Community Wiki.” [Read More]
Since publishing the original sorghum reference genome, the JGI continues to work on better understanding its toughness and energy storage. [Read More]
JGI at 25 revisits our contributions to a systems biology approach understanding how waves of microbial communities dispersed the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. [Read More]