JGI@25: Strengthening Soybean
Complete Genome Sequence for Asinibacterium sp. Strain OR53 and Draft Genome Sequence for Asinibacterium sp. Strain OR43, Two Bacteria Tolerant to Uranium
NeLLi — Symposium on New Lineages of Life
Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas azotifigens Strain DSM 17556T (6H33bT), a Nitrogen Fixer Strain Isolated from a Compost Pile
Complete Genome Sequence of Paenibacillus strain Y4.12MC10, a Novel Paenibacillus lautus strain Isolated from Obsidian Hot Spring in Yellowstone National Park
Complete genome sequence of Jonesia denitrificans type strain (Prevot 55134T)
Jane Grimwood Named HudsonAlpha Genomics Chair
Characterizing Communities: JGI Announces Latest CSP Portfolio
An Age of CRAGE: Advances in Rapidly Engineering Non-model Bacteria
A New Actinobacterial Chapter in the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea
Accelerating Metagenomics Discoveries with Deep Learning
Complete Genome Sequence of the Complex Carbohydrate-Degrading Marine Bacterium, Saccharophagus degradans Strain 2-40T