The Integrated Microbial Genome Resource of Analysis
Methylome and Complete Genome Sequence of Parageobacillus toebii DSM 14590T, a Thermophilic Bacterium
Complete genome sequence of Brachyspira murdochii type strain (56-150T)
Massive Changes in Genome Architecture Accompany the Transition to Self-Fertility in the Filamentous Fungus Neurospora tetrasperma
A framework genetic map for Miscanthus sinensis from RNAseq-based markers shows recent tetraploidy
Ectomycorrhizal ecology is imprinted in the genome of the dominant symbiotic fungus Cenococcum geophilum
Refined annotation and assembly of the Tetrahymena thermophila genome sequence through EST analysis, comparative genomic hybridization, and targeted gap closure
Complete genome sequence of Haliangium ochraceum type strain (SMP-2T)
Genome mapping of quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling domestication traits of intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium)
Analyses of expressed sequence tags from the maize foliar pathogen Cercospora zeae-maydis identify novel genes expressed during vegetative, infectious, and reproductive growth
Genome sequence of the flexirubin-pigmented soil bacterium Niabella soli type strain (JS13-8T)
Metagenomic analysis of microbial consortium from natural crude oil that seeps into the marine ecosystem offshore Southern California