Novel Insights into the Diversity of Catabolic Metabolism from Ten Haloarchaeal Genomes
Comparative genomics reveals dynamic genome evolution in host specialist ectomycorrhizal fungi
Horizontal transfer of a pathway for coumarate catabolism unexpectedly inhibits purine nucleotide biosynthesis
Exploiting proteomic data for genome annotation and gene model validation in Aspergillus niger
Clades of huge phages from across Earth’s ecosystems
Thermoacidophilic proteins for biofuel production
scMicrobe PTA: near complete genomes from single bacterial cells
Phylogeny and physiology of candidate phylum ‘Atribacteria’ (OP9/JS1) inferred from cultivation-independent genomics
Deciphering the evolution of flavin-dependent monooxygenase stereoselectivity using ancestral sequence reconstruction
Purifying the Impure: Sequencing Metagenomes and Metatranscriptomes from Complex Animal-associated Samples
Early origins and evolution of microRNAs and Piwi-interacting RNAs in animals
Polynucleobacter meluiroseus sp. nov., a bacterium isolated from a lake located in the mountains of the Mediterranean island of Corsica