Group II Introns Break New Boundaries: Presence in a Bilaterian's Genome
Genome-guided analysis allows the identification of novel physiological traits in Trichococcus species
Preferential retention of genes from one parental genome after polyploidy illustrates the nature and scope of the genomic conflicts induced by hybridization
Complete genome sequence of Desulfurococcus mucosus type strain (O7/1T)
Bioenergy feedstock‐specific enrichment of microbial populations during high‐solids thermophilic deconstruction
Permanent Draft Genome Sequence of Nocardia sp. BMG111209, an Actinobacterium Isolated from Nodules of Casuarina glauca
Genome sequence of the Thermotoga thermarum type strain (LA3T) from an African solfataric spring
A Genome-Wide Scan for Evidence of Selection in a Maize Population Under Long-Term Artificial Selection for Ear Number
Plant Metabolic Network 15: A resource of genome‐wide metabolism databases for 126 plants and algae
Genome sequence of Ensifer medicae Di28; an effective N2-fixing microsymbiont of Medicago murex and M. polymorpha
Genome resequencing reveals multiscale geographic structure and extensive linkage disequilibrium in the forest tree Populus trichocarpa
Permanent draft genome sequence of Dethiosulfovibrio peptidovorans type strain (SEBR 4207T)