Transcriptomic response of the mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma atroviride to the presence of a fungal prey
Genome sequence of the model mushroom Schizophyllum commune
Complete Genome Sequence of Agrobacterium sp. Strain 33MFTa1.1, Isolated from Thlaspi arvense Roots
Genome sequencing of Porostereum spadiceum to study the degradation of levofloxacin
Genome gazing in ammonia-oxidizing archaea
A mosaic monoploid reference sequence for the highly complex genome of sugarcane
Genome sequence of the soil bacterium Saccharomonospora azurea type strain (NA-128T)
High quality draft genome of Nakamurella lactea type strain, a rock actinobacterium, and emended description of Nakamurella lactea
Permanent Improved High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Nocardia casuarinae Strain BMG51109, an Endophyte of Actinorhizal Root Nodules of Casuarina glauca
Metagenomic and metaproteomic insights into bacterial communities in leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens
Draft genome sequence of Dethiobacter alkaliphilus strain AHT1T, a gram-positive sulfidogenic polyextremophile
The Ecoresponsive Genome of Daphnia pulex