Improving the coverage of the cyanobacterial phylum using diversity-driven genome sequencing
Genome Sequence of Halomonas sp. Strain MCTG39a, a Hydrocarbon-Degrading and Exopolymeric Substance-Producing Bacterium
Complete Genome Sequence of the Metabolically Versatile Plant Growth-Promoting Endophyte Variovorax paradoxus S110
A most wanted list of conserved microbial protein families with no known domains
Complete genome sequence of Haliangium ochraceum type strain (SMP-2T)
Comparative Genomic Analysis of Phylogenetically Closely Related Hydrogenobaculum sp. Isolates from Yellowstone National Park
Microbial communities of the Laurentian Great Lakes reflect connectivity and local biogeochemistry
Complete genome sequence of Weeksella virosa type strain (9751T)
Differences in sequencing technologies improve the retrieval of anammox bacterial genome from metagenomes
Complete Genome Sequence of Phormidium yuhuli AB48, Isolated from an Industrial Photobioreactor Environment
Genome sequence of Rhizobium leguminosarum bv trifolii strain WSM1689, the microsymbiont of the one flowered clover Trifolium uniflorum
The mitochondrial genome of the ethanol-metabolizing, wine cellar mold Zasmidium cellare is the smallest for a filamentous ascomycete