Metabolic Potential for Reductive Acetogenesis and a Novel Energy-Converting [NiFe] Hydrogenase in Bathyarchaeia From Termite Guts – A Genome-Centric Analysis
Complete genome sequence of Leadbetterella byssophila type strain (4M15T)
Genome sequence of the acid-tolerant Burkholderia sp. strain WSM2230 from Karijini National Park, Australia
Genome-wide characterization of methylguanosine-capped and polyadenylated small RNAs in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae
Complete Genome Sequences of Six Strains of the Genus Methylobacterium
Gradual polyploid genome evolution revealed by pan-genomic analysis of Brachypodium hybridum and its diploid progenitors
Novel reductive dehalogenases from the marine sponge associated bacterium Desulfoluna spongiiphila
Artificial Polyploidy Improves Bacterial Single Cell Genome Recovery
High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Desulfovibrio carbinoliphilus FW-101-2B, an Organic Acid-Oxidizing Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from Uranium(VI)-Contaminated Groundwater
Complete genome sequence of Brachyspira murdochii type strain (56-150T)
Complete genome sequence of the halophilic bacterium Spirochaeta africana type strain (Z-7692T) from the alkaline Lake Magadi in the East African Rift
Novel assembly strategy cracks open the mysteries of walnut genome evolution